Friday, January 13, 2012

Tight assed blondes

Thirty four miles and 13 walks later I have walked through wind and driving rain and darkness and daylight.  I have been overtaken by so many tight assed blondes who just glide by me with their little tight leggins and padded sleevless jackets, how I hate them, I want them to trip most of them have a funny walk like a half run.  I am not a speedy gonzales in any way shape or form.  I have my own speed and I hit it and off I go, happily, sometimes wrecked after a days work but I go and it is good to work out stuff in my head. 
I have lost 5 lbs since I started, thought it would be more but I have to look at my diet, sometimes I think I am not eating enough and I know I am certainly not drinking enough water and thats another thing when I am walking it is impossible to tell yourself you dont need to pee when you do.  I had to run into the Penny Hill last night and then Lisa and I had a drink, I was sorely tempted to stay there for the evening, dont know when I did something like that but I went home just as well because I had no dinner and was hungry.  I think I am losing inches though.
I hate walking clockwise, I prefer to listen to the radio than music and I detest people who bring their dog for a walk and let them do their business on the footpath and just walk off not cleaning up after them.  I mostly walk 4 or 5 km but sometimes less, eg today I walked on my lunch hour I just did 2km.  I see myself building up, though it is not too nice walking in the cold dark evening but they are getting longer. 

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